Revel and Riot at NY State Capitol: Rally for Love and Marriage


New Yorkers United for Marriage is a coalition that was formed out of a determination to speed and ensure the passing of marriage equality legislation in New York State. NYUM brings together Empire State Pride Agenda, Freedom to Marry, Human Rights Campaign, Log Cabin Republicans and Marriage Equality New York to make marriage a reality for all New Yorkers.

The coalition is asking you to join them at a Rally for Love and Marriage tomorrow – Tuesday June 21 – at noon outside the Capitol in Albany. Join them, and help ensure that all New Yorkers are allowed to marry the person they love.

Revel and Riot will be there! We’ll be handing out our “Go Marriage Equality” foam hands, so be sure to get down there and get one!

Meanwhile, this weekend, June 25th and 26th, we will be selling the marriage equality foam hands at San Francisco Pride, and giving out lots for free! Come to our booth near the corner of Grove and Larkin to get one, or our official pre-pride party on the 23rd at the Brick and Mortar Music Hall.

Raise up your giant blue hands! Go marriage equality!!