Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ Too Gay For Malaysia

Lady Gaga’s latest single ‘Born This Way’ has been severely censored on Malaysian radio stations. The stations are muffling over certain parts of the song, like the lyrics “No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I’m on the right track, baby”.

Malaysia’s AMP Radio Networks made a quick statement about their censoring of the song, saying that that the edit had been commissioned as there are government restrictions against songs that might violate “good taste or decency or are offensive to public feeling”.

“The particular lyrics in ‘Born This Way’ may be considered as offensive when viewed against Malaysia’s social and religious observances. The issue of being gay, lesbian or bisexual is still considered as a ‘taboo’ by general Malaysians.”

Gay rights organizations in Malaysia have openly condemned the radio station’s decision.